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Path to the Pin


CCIM Designation

Every candidate for the CCIM designation is required to complete an education component, pass the Comprehensive Exam, complete a membership application, and pay annual dues.



    The education component of earning your CCIM designation is comprised of a four-course curriculum, an online ethics course, negotiation training, and elective courses from the Ward Center for Real Estate Studies. Your membership type will determine how many education requirements you'll need to fulfill.

    Visit our membership types page.



    To demonstrate their experience in commercial real estate, designation candidates must submit a portfolio of qualifying activities, transactions, projects, or work products. This portfolio can take one of three forms, depending on your level of experience and the type of work that will be included.

    Transactional portfolios must meet minimum volume requirements:

    • Three (3) or more qualifying activities totaling $30 million or more; or
    • Exactly ten (10) qualifying activities totaling $10 million or more; or
    • Twenty (20) qualifying activities with no dollar volume requirement.

    Learn more about the portfolio requirements.

  • EXAM


    The Comprehensive Exam is a full-day exam testing your knowledge of CI 101-104 concepts and is the very last step to earning the CCIM Designation. It's preceded by the Course Concepts Review, allowing Designation candidates the opportunity to review the key topics that will be covered on the exam. 

    Learn more about the Comprehensive Exam and Course Concepts Review.


Foundations for Success in Commercial Real Estate

March 19 & 20, 2025 | Lafayette, LA - RESCHEDULED

REALTOR Association of Acadiana
234 Rue Beauregard

Lafayette, LA 70508

Discount for Chapter Members and RCA Members

This two-day classroom provides agents, brokers, students, and allied professionals with an understanding of the skills, resources, and business practices that pave the way for success in commercial real estate. Through real-world case studies you will learn how to analyze leases and investment value, and develop a plan to kick-start your career. 

Course Objectives

  • Access and use demographic information as a decision-making tool
  • Differentiate between the needs of the owners and tenants
  • Develop a personal marketing plan
  • Develop a property marketing plan
  • Utilize basic financial analysis tools
  • Solve investment problems using a financial calculator
  • Perform basic mortgage calculations using compounding and discounting techniques
  • Project income and expenses for a real estate property
  • Calculate the yield on a potential investment

You will also receive The CCIM Institute Financial Calculator, designed to effectively and efficiently provide investment scenarios for you and your clients. 


#PathtothePin Begins with the Core Courses

Core Course Descriptions

CI: 101

Financial Analysis

Must take before 103 & 104. Provides the foundation of practical financial analysis you need in the following core courses and in the field.


Market Analysis

Analyze investment factors for each of the four major property types: office, industrial, multifamily, and retail.


User Decision Analysis

Utilize market and financial analysis skills for user space decisions, and apply cost-of-occupancy models for ownership and leasing.


Investment Analysis

Optimize on investment returns and effectively forecast investment performance by quantifying real estate risk.

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